flicker fusion frequency

flicker fusion frequency
критическая частота слияния мельканий

Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "flicker fusion frequency" в других словарях:

  • flicker fusion threshold — critical fusion frequency …   Medical dictionary

  • Flicker fusion threshold — The flicker fusion threshold (or flicker fusion rate) is a concept in the psychophysics of vision. It is defined as the frequency at which an intermittent light stimulus appears to be completely steady to the observer (this article centers around …   Wikipedia

  • flicker fusion — noun : fusion 2d(2) * * * flicker fusion, Psychology. the perception of an intermittently flashing light as if continuous when the flashes occur above a certain frequency …   Useful english dictionary

  • Critical fusion frequency — is the rate at which stimuli can be presented and still be perceived as a separate stimuli. Stimuli presented at a higher rate than CFF are perceived as continuous stimuli. Motion pictures move because the frames are presented at an higher rate… …   Wikipedia

  • fusion frequency — noun : critical flicker frequency …   Useful english dictionary

  • critical fusion frequency — noun see critical flicker frequency …   Useful english dictionary

  • fusion — 1. Liquefaction, as by melting by heat. 2. Union, as by joining together; e.g., bone f.. 3. The blending of slightly different images from each eye into a single perception. 4. The joining of two or more adjacent teeth during their development by …   Medical dictionary

  • flicker — The visual sensation caused by stimulation of the retina by a series of intermittent light flashes occurring at a certain rate. SEE ALSO: f. fusion, critical f. fusion frequency. * * * flick·er flik ər …   Medical dictionary

  • frequency — The number of regular recurrences in a given time, e.g., heartbeats, sound vibrations. [L. frequens, repeated, often, constant] best f. SYN: characteristic f.. characteristic f. f. at which a given neuron responds to the least sound intensity.… …   Medical dictionary

  • critical flicker frequency — critical fusion frequency the number of flashes per second at which a flickering light just appears to be continuous; see also flicker …   Medical dictionary

  • critical flicker frequency — noun or critical fusion frequency : the threshold at which light from an intermittent source is seen half the time as flickering and half the time as fused or continuous …   Useful english dictionary

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